25: Rob gets a squadron command! Minot, ND, here we come!
10: 8:00pm ET: Karina hosts author, editor and publisher Cynthia MacKinnon in the FabChat Room.
10: EPPIE Awards Banquet. Infinite Space, Infinite God is a finalist for best SF--will it win?
19: Lordy, Lordy, I turn 40!
19: Join Karina as her own guest on FabChat.
28, 29: Infinite Space, Infinite God featured at the LA Times/UCLA Book Fair. See Flyer.
17: Book signing at Salem Church Library, Fredericksburg VA 10-2.
Karina holds the Media Room Workshop on-line through July.
24: Book Signing at Piux X Parish in Pueblo, CO, before and after Masses.
Infinite Space, Infinite God on a virtual book tour. Click here for schedule of stops.
The Fabians are on the way to Minot, ND! Where the best go north!
Infinite Space, Infinite God is Fiction of the Month at CatholicMom.com's book club!
NaNoWriMo! Ideas churning, fingers flying, grammar running in fear! "Editors? We
don't need no stinkin' editors." "Your mission, if you choose to accept it: 50,000 words in one month."
Impossible? No--just highly improbable, but I've got the drive. ( What's NaNo?)
This Month: July 2007
The mystery serial, "Magic, Mensa and Mayhem" in the ND Mensa Newsletter, The Prairie dawg, won the
Mensa Publications Recognition Program award for best fiction!
Hooray! The Magic, Mensa and Mayhem manuscript (say it three times fast, come on) is finished! It's off to critiquers
and editors, then to an interested publisher. read more about it and the universe of Dragon Eye, PI at www.freewebs.com/dragoneyepi.
Karina holds the Media Room Workshop on-line through July.
Get ready for the Infinite Space, Infinite God Virtual Book Tour! Coming August. DETAILS
Previous Events:
November 2006: Karina elected President of the Catholic Writer's Guild.
Dec 15: Infinite Space, Infinite God an EPPIE Finalist.