Infinite Space, Infinite God

PJ for Scottieluvr’s “Chewing the Bone” reviews
Catholic Science Fiction is not
a genre widely recognized. Although when Googled, using “Catholic Science Fiction”, I received well over a million
hits, so maybe not widely familiar by many readers, but a well used/referenced genre nonetheless. In their introduction the
authors’ point out that according to one survey science fiction writers are predominately Catholic. Well, after reading
this anthology, I will not dispute this claim. The introduction also lists renowned scientists who have initiated much of
our science history today, who are Catholic. Hmmmmm… I do see a pattern here.
For those not familiar with Catholicism,
the Fabians provide valuable insight into the religion’s beliefs and purpose with short excerpts that aided my understanding
of the Catholic religion. Regardless, this review is about the science fiction writers presented below. I can drown
you in adjectives and other descriptive words, but these few words have stayed with me throughout my reading: These stories are awesome!
...An adorable short story, Interstellar Calling addresses the suffering questions of all God-fearing people
and their struggle in finding the answers. The pivotal point in this story is when Frankie states that she too is lost and
cannot help them. The alien then responds, “But you have directions?” The innocent beauty of those four simple words sends tingles through my body. It’s
...Conceived beautifully, Our Daily Bread details how a calamity triggers an event outside of human intervention.
The Fabians masterfully orchestrate this miracle which I felt believable and wholly spiritual. The characters, genuine and
endearing, only helped make this story a provoking read.
well composed piece from the Fabian writing team. A fantastic and entertaining story that holds me captive with its superb
plot and natural characters; though sprinkled with humor. These Three describes
an idealistic, yet unskilled young man wanting to be a spacer. I think the most obvious point in the story is with Peter.
Although everyone rejoices in him, Peter’s lesson concludes he lacks faith in himself. With the guiding spiritual support
of The Blessed Gillian, Peter begins a journey in saving space station L5 and the Poubelle, along with renewing his beliefs.